Do corns have roots?

Do corns have roots?

Plants have roots that they can grow back from if the top is chopped off. Do corns on the foot have roots that they can grow back from if they are chopped off? No, they do not.

The myth about this and the questions about this come about because corns do have a tendency to come back after being removed. However, removing a corn does not necessarily remove the cause of the corn. If you do not remove what caused it, it will come back. It comes back because what caused it is still there and not because the root was left there for it to grow back from.

If you want to stop corns coming back, you need to remove that cause. That cause is too much pressure on the area. That pressure has to be removed or reduced to stop the corn coming back. How that is done will depend on the reason for the higher pressure. For example:

  • if its due to a hammer toe, then padding, better fitting shoes or surgery can reduce the pressure
  • if the corn is between the toes, then wider fitting shoes or silicone gel tubes can reduce the pressure
  • if the corn is on a bunion, then wider fitting shoes, padding or surgery might reduce the pressure
  • if the corn is on the bottom of the foot, then a foot orthotic may reduce the pressure

The bottom line:

Corns do not have roots that they grow back from. Its a myth. For more, see: How to get rid of corns on the foot?

Related Products for Foot Corns have a range of products that can be useful for corns and callus. For example the silicone gel tube can be cut to the toe length and be used to protect toes that corns develop on.

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