Treatment for Sesamoiditis

The sesamoid bones are two very small bones under the big toe joint. They kind of function like two mini knee caps which help the tendons be better levers to move the joint: Sesamoiditis is a painful inflammation of the structures around the sesamoid bones. The location of these two bones make them particularly prone…

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How to deal with a Morton’s neuroma

A Morton’s neuroma is a painful condition that can typically causes some shooting pains and numbness between the toes. It is due to an impingement of the nerves between the metatarsal heads. It can occur between any of the metatarsal heads, but is most common between the 3rd and 4th metatarsal heads: The most commonly…

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Fix Toe Pro for Metatarsalgia

‘Metatarsalgia‘ is not really a useful term nor is it a diagnosis. It simply means ‘pain’ (‘-algia‘) in the ‘forefoot’ or ‘ball of the foot’ (‘metatars-‘) and that pain could be due to a number of very different and distinct conditions. This could be due to anything from a stress fracture of the bone to…

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